About Us


Who We Are

  At the moment, "we" is really more like "me." I am a software developer just north of Austin, TX. The upside to being a corporate developer is that there is usually a steady paycheck involved. The downside is that you don't always get to pick your own projects. Enter Baccaruda Software. This is really starting out as something to do in the evenings when I still have the itch to write some fresh code. And, what's the point of doing something fun if you can't share?

What's with the name?

  In my senior year of college I bought a 1966 Plymouth Barracuda. A number of people I knew referred to it as a "baccaruda." I sold it during some lean years right after college - they weren't hiring English Linguisitics majors at Enron back then - but could never get that giant back window out of my heart. I currently own a '65, and will always be a fan of the first generation 'cudas. I have been a dyed- in-the-wool Mopar guy for a very long time, so it all just kind of worked out. Besides, all the really cool domain names were already taken.